Our Impact Report

Transparency and sustainability are at the heart of everything we do at Bite. We believe that every person deserves to know what’s in the products they use every day and how they affect the planet. We’re sharing this report with you to show how we’re making a positive impact as a company, and why it matters to you.

Read The Full Report Here

We measure our impact across 5 different categories


Ethical values and integrity, Public Benefit Corporation, Incorporate stakeholder feedback.

We have an unwavering commitment to maintaining our ethical values and integrity. In becoming a Public Benefit Corporation and certified B Corp, we re-wrote our company by-laws to legally bind us to uphold these principles – we take this responsibility seriously. We value the feedback of our stakeholders (that’s you!) and actively incorporate it into our business model.


Divert plastic waste, sustainable materials, carbon neutrality, sustainability education.

In 2022 alone, we successfully diverted 75,000 pounds of plastic waste, and are committed to increasing our impact in years to come. Our circular refill system, sustainable packaging + materials, and carbon neutral certification all demonstrate our dedication to leaving the planet better than we found it. We are passionate about sharing sustainability education with our customers and community


Only clean + safe ingredients, Acting on customer feedback.

Only the good, never the bad. We thoughtfully formulate our products to ensure our customers can have healthy smiles and bodies while protecting the planet. We actively seek out the feedback of our community and are committed to utilizing that feedback to improve and innovate our products.


Competitive pay and benefits, career development, culture of mutual respect.

Our small but mighty team is fundamental to our impact – they inspire us daily. We happily provide a living family wage and benefits, career development opportunities, and nurture a thriving company culture.


Community engagement, Charitable giving, Employee volunteer work.

Through our community engagement, charitable giving and employee volunteer work, we are in a position to further uplift our mission of leaving a cleaner planet for future generations.

Want to take a deep dive into our impact? Read the full report here.

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